Sandwiched between the Lakshadweep Sea and the Western Ghats, Kerala is a bustling little green –and –silver, coconuts-and-water state on the west cost of India. National geographic traveler selects Kerala as one of the 50 must see destinations of a life time. Kerala has its own unique features through –out-the state. Lavished by a divine palette, swaying crowds, of emerald palms, galloping armies of white surf, Sprawling sands of pristine beaches, crisscrossed by endless backwaters, punctuated with tropical flowers, majestic herds of grey elephants dense jungles of magic spices, Flocks of wadding brown ducks, schools of plopping silver fish, Banana spectrums, butterfly rainbows, All detailed by the hand of god. And what more, all these charming destinations are a few hours of drive from each other.